Well yeah it is. Did you mean to say this? Regardless, the bladeless "turbine" still needs a base and mount and a shaft just like a bladed turbine. And there will be mechanics to convert motion to electricity just like a bladed turbine. I would bet the additional cost of the blades in a bladed turbine would be minor compared to the value of the greater power harvested. Additionally a bladed turbine is harvesting power 100% during wind flowing over it, whereas this bladeless design won't generate meaningful power at least twice in it's vibration cycle. IE the flat parts of a sine wave, at the top and bottom where dx/dy ~ 0. The bladeless design inherently has a low harvesting surface and inherently has a low energy producing profile and I'd bet the mechanics to convert the vibrating motion to electricity is inherently more complex (read more expensive) then the simple rotational energy generated by a bladed turbine.