I’ve expanded on my comment with my own Medium story:
The real damage is the spotlight he is putting on the concept of a Royal Family. My mother was a bit of a Royalist, complete with the Charles and Diane teacups and of course of Elizabeth. My father was not, he was fond of saying, "it’s all a bit silly isn't it?". My parents were Ulster Scots.
It points to the fact that Royalty is not a meritocracy, its inherited. And like all families they have their issues. Harry gets an automatic platform. We don’t, unless we achieve great things, Harry has achieved birth from a Queen, nothing more.
When Harry was a Prince, he had to keep his mouth shut, he never learned how and when to speak. Now that he is free, his lack of life experience in talking is very evident.
I don’t like being preached to, especially someone living in an estate with a $15M inheritance. Clearly, they have the means to make their life in what ever fashion they desire. But that is not enough, Harry wants vengeance. Charles is an easy target. Charles can’t defend himself, and Charles has issues of his own. We all must live with our families and our past issues. Why Harry feels he must constantly inform us of his, is not admirable. He may yet need them. Because who else truly understands Harry if not his brother and father?
There is an incredible sense of entitlement in Harry. Who else of us can complain when the money stopped flowing when Harry left the family business? Especially when mom left him $15M? Harry has shifted from the “entitlement hurt speak” to “speaking out” on mental health issues, undoubtedly he’s gotten feedback that “entitlement issues” don’t play as well as discussing public health. He is trying to blend his issues with public health issues. He is doing therapy with Oprah.
He has picked some big names to pour out his confessionals. It all makes the guest list to his wedding more suspicious. Harry will eventually play out, he is the bright shiny new thing in Southern California. His wife offered him an escape path, he took it. The question is when will Harry learn when he is being used?
Everything I’ve read about the soldier Harry has been admirable. People I trust in the military speak about him with respect. The military gave him purpose, obviously he needs purpose and don’t we all? All the royals have peacock medals, most of which have been given to them by Elizabeth. Harry has real ones.
Harry needs to transition from the angry Prince to something else. His “princeness” is anchored in England, it is much less valued here and it will carry less and less as time grows. We Americans while fascinated with the Royal Family, and the trappings of significance they can bestow will tire of him, we always do. “Nice of you to visit, when are you leaving?” The Royal Family will fight back and are fighting back in England, Harry knows he could not win there. Harry will be the angry madman across the water. I suspect Harry craves acceptance and acknowledgement in his home country of England, I think he will be disappointed.